Celebrating 60 Years!
Est. 1965
640 Talamini Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
(908) 866-1051
Glen Ridge Swim Club COVID-19 Pool Operation Prevention Plan (CPOPP)
*** IMPORTANT NOTE: Attendance to the pool is acknowledging to having READ & that you, your family as well as any guests will ADHERE to the CPOPP ***
Staffing and Pool Facility Operations
Hours of operation for the 2021 season: From 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM every day of the week.
Extended nights in July (9:00 PM)
August (8:00 - 8:30 PM)
The Pool Manager and/or “Acting Pool Manager”: shall be considered the ambassador of COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures on the day-to-day operations. Said person shall monitor and encourage social distancing of bathers on the pool deck.
COVID Contact Person(s): Maria ElHadidi and Maria Natale shall serve as the COVID19 contact persons. If the Covid Contact Person (CCP) is unavailable for any reason contact Frank Visconti shall serve as the next point of contact.
If you need to report an incident or get a hold of one of our COVID19 Contact Team Members please call/txt:
Maria Natale (908) 202-6771
Maria El Hadidi (908) 625-0800
Frank Visconti (908) 866-1513
Distribution: PPE shall be distributed via the main office at the club facility.
For any Unvaccinated Lifeguard/patron/guest it is highly encouraged that you wear
masks. If a mask is needed one will be provided to you.
COVID-19 awareness training and risk reduction strategies for personnel
Training materials will be uploaded to our Website
A training session will be conducted PRIOR to Opening for personnel.
All personnel must review and sign the Covid-19 training materials prior to the
start of work for the season.
Disinfecting stations are available throughout the pool area. These stations contain hand sanitizer, spray bottles, and paper towels. Members must return spray bottles and paper towels to the disinfecting stations after use. These can be used on common areas prior to use such as tables and umbrella handles as well as after use.
Proper and frequent hand washing is required by staff.
Staff Procedures:
Vaccinated lifeguards do not have to wear masks.
Unvaccinated lifeguards are encouraged to wear a mask/face covering while on the
pool deck and when social distance of 6 feet from non-household contacts cannot
be maintained. -
Face coverings should NOT be worn while lifeguards are on active duty
Admittance and Access to the Facility
Glen Ridge will be open at full capacity indoors and outdoors.
All patrons including children are required to check in at the front entrance via
sign in. -
Unvaccinated patrons and spectators are encouraged to wear a mask/face
covering while on the pool deck and when social distancing of 6 feet from
non-household contacts cannot be maintained.
Cash-less option will be available at the facility.
The use of Snack Shack Punch Card is highly recommended during transactions with the
Snack Shack. Purchase of such cards can be done right at the Snack Shack- Cards will be kept in the Snack Shack and ONLY be used by those said people working the Snack Shack.
Play Equipment - Patrons will be allowed to use their own water play as well as
equipment, toys etc. offered by the facility-
We highly discourage staff and patrons from sharing items that are meant to
come in contact with the face (e.g.goggles, snorkels, nose clips)
Infection Control Strategies
Patrons who require first aid should report to the main office and/or be
transported to the main office depending on the type of care needed. When
possible, staff shall administer first aid outside of the office in an upright chair or a
lounge chair depending on the injury else, patrons shall receive first aid in the
office. Chairs and other reusable first aid equipment shall be cleaned with proper
sanitizing solutions in compliance with the CDC hard surface approved cleaners. -
When possible, lifeguards will ask the parent and/or guardian to administer first
aid to their child under the lifeguard’s supervision. -
If a patron/guest is visibly ill Management at all levels including but not limited to
Pool Manager, Certified Pool Operator, and Board of Trustees shall cooperate
with LHA staff in any communicable disease investigation and follow current Communicable Disease Service guidance for illness reporting
https://www.nj.gov/health/cdc Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures for an area
with confirmed COVID19 symptoms:-
Close off the area where the sick person was until after cleaning
and disinfection is complete.
Restrooms and Shower Access
It is encouraged that Masks & Foot coverings are worn within restrooms, and locker
Communication Plan
Glen Ridge will email all members the COVID19 guidelines.
Members will be required to read the Covid-19 rules and guidelines.
Attendance to the pool is acknowledged for having read & adherence to
the Covid-19 Pool Operation Prevention Plan (this document.) -
Visible signage will be maintained throughout the course of the season.
COVID19 requirements will be published to our website.
Staff, patrons, and swimmers are encouraged to self-report if they have
symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or were exposed
to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days. -
GlenRidge shall attempt to notify staff, patrons, and swimmers (as feasible) of
potential COVID-19 exposures while maintaining confidentiality in accordance
with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). -
GlenRidge will notify staff, patrons, and swimmers in the event of a pool closure.
GlenRidge will maintain signage
Stay home if you are sick - Practice social distancing
Police Notification Policy:
The Police Notification Policy shall be visually displayed in the club office at the
Emergency Evacuation Procedure
Patrons shall remain calm and move in an organized fashion towards the exit
of the facility (front door). -
Staff members will help guide patrons outside the front door. The club shall be
evacuated in the following fashion -
Patrons closest to the exit shall exit first. Maintaining 6 ft. social distancing
excluding those among immediate family, caretakers, household members,
and romantic partners.
*** IMPORTANT NOTE: Attendance to the pool is acknowledging to having READ & that you, your family as well as any guests will ADHERE to the CPOPP ***